5 Tools to Take on the Road with Your Little Guy

So, you’ve recently purchased your brand new Little Guy! First of all, we’re thrilled for you and your new addition! Well, now that you’ve made that essential first step, what’s next? Get out and hit the road, of course!

Before you begin any fun new adventure with your Little Guy, first consider some helpful and essential tools to take with you. Here, let’s look at five of the most important tools you should be taking along with you.

Fire Extinguisher

This one should be fairly obvious, but just in case, always make sure to have one in your Little Guy! We never want to think that anything bad could happen on a fun adventure, but when it comes to personal safety, always, ALWAYS keep in mind that anything could happen.

First-Aid Kit

Just like the fire extinguisher, assuming that you or a loved one could be injured while out with your Little Guy is often the furthest thing from your mind. However, keep in mind that even the simplest of injuries can turn serious or even deadly. Keep your first-aid kit handy at all times!


Something you may not expect while exploring the great outdoors with your Little Guy is the complete and utter darkness which occurs immediately after the sun sets. It seems like an obvious fact that it does indeed get dark at night, but without the glare of city lights, the darkness you experience out beyond the concrete jungles is intense.

Multiple-Outlet Cords

We already know that your Little Guy can provide you with almost everything you will need for whatever excursion you fancy. However, your Little Guy is just that…little, which only adds to their charm (in our opinion!). Make sure to pack a multiple-outlet power cord when you travel in order to keep all of your personal electronics at full charge.

Rain X

Let’s say you wanted to travel with your Little Guy to some place cold…really cold. If this is the case, you should pack plenty of Rain X. Since the temperature between the outside and inside of your Little Guy will be significantly different, condensation may form on any exposed aluminum. This moisture can freeze which will end up causing damage. Before you go, spray all seals with a healthy dose of Rain X!

Make sure to pack these five tools on your next adventure with your Little Guy!

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